Overcoming Adversity

Overcoming Adversity

One of the traits of a leader is the ability to overcome adversity. We all say we can do it, but until adversity hits you personally, you never really know just how tough it can be to live up to those words. I am about to discover my own aptitude for overcoming adversity.

Tuesday October 8, 2013, I tore my distal bicep doing nothing. I did not sustain any type of trauma to cause this tear in the tendon. I didn’t fall. I didn’t tear it lifting weights. There was no incident I could point to as the cause of the injury. Upon being examined by a doctor, I learned this type of tear only happens to 1 in 100,000 people. What makes this particularly frustrating is that I am in the best shape of my life. This event happening now is simply discouraging. My immediate thought was, “Why am I so unlucky to be the one person in hundreds of thousands to experience this rare phenomena?”

In seeking a solution, I have seen several doctors. They have told me that surgery is the only way to repair this particular type of injury. I’ve also been told to expect a very long rehabilitation period, and that it’s likely to be a difficult time. This is not what I wanted to hear.

And so I am to discover exactly what is involved in overcoming this adversity. In my life, I have come to understand the value of a healthy body. I have no choice but to work to heal this injury, no matter what it takes, and regain my optimal healthy life. The journey will not be easy, and it will test me. I am ready to exercise my resilience, work ethic, heart, desire. I am ready to prove what I am made of.

In business, leaders are called upon to overcome adversity. While the adversity itself is different every time, there are some steps that are similar in each case. Here are some of those steps as I see them at this point in my own process.

1) Identify areas that you need to change.
In some cases, the change that is needed may be very obvious. But in other cases, you may need to sit with the issue, and delve into what is the change that is needed. Identify the real issue, not just the symptoms that are a result of the issue. Once you have a grasp on the change that will need to be implemented, record your thoughts. Write them down. You will want to refer to them again during the change process.

2) Embrace the adversity.
Look at the bright side. This may sound like only a cliché’, but the reality is that you will need a positive attitude before you can make progress in overcoming the adversity. There are many steps in the process. Some will be difficult. If you have a negative outlook, you will want to quit, or skip over steps that will be required for success. Having a positive attitude will help motivate you during the process. In business and in life, unexpected things happen. Rarely do we sail through without rough waters. If your situation is getting you down, look to others and see what adversities others have overcome. Sometimes knowing we are not the only ones experiencing setbacks is comforting and reassuring.

3) Stay focused.
You are motivated right now as you begin the process. You are ready to take on the world and make this change happen. But there will be times when you forget the path, or drift from the plan. Staying focused is crucial to the success of your plan. Review your goals frequently. It is easier to focus when you have the goal in mind. This is where writing down your plan can make a big difference. If you have written your plan down, you then can review it periodically to make sure you’re on track. If you hold a plan in your head, and don’t write it down, you run the risk of straying from the plan without even realizing it.

4) Visualize Your Goal
Visualization is a powerful tool. “See” your objective already in existence. Nothing can withstand the power of a clear vision of what you are intending. What does it look like? What will people be saying about it? How will you feel? The more detailed and “real” you can make your vision, the more powerful it will be. It will operate like a magnet and draw forth all kinds of things you never thought possible.

5) Seek Assistance
Don’t go it alone. Seek assistance from people who are qualified to help. Build a team with the skills you need to make change happen. Wise people know they can’t win the battle alone. When times are tough, they reach out to friends and associates who can provide assistance and guidance; people who are genuine and highly supportive.

Whether your adversity is in your personal life or in your business life, know that you will overcome. You will reach the end of the tunnel at some point. Make a deal with yourself that you will never never never give up. I invite you to join me for this journey as I will have some periodic updates. They say it will take me 12 months to be back to where I was. I want to defy the odds with proper nutrition, therapy, and hard work! But this will be a process.

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