Retaining Quality Talent in Your Organization

Organizations today are facing several challenges, and talent management is one of the greatest. Attracting, developing, and retaining quality talent is more costly and has a greater impact on the bottom-line than ever before. Retiring baby-boomers, the expectations of Gen X and Gen Y employees and Millenials add up to a drastic shift in the way organizations are managing their…

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Corporate Entertainment Is Good For Business

As a member of the management team in your company, one of your goals may be to increase productivity of employees.  One way this can be done is by entertaining your employees.  Entertainment opportunities can result in many benefits to your company culture and your company's bottom line. Corporate entertainment can come in…

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Character Traits of the Perfect Chief Operating Officer

Before you can define the best character traits and skills that make up a good Chief Operating Officer, it's first necessary to define the job description. Because there is so much variation in job duties from one organization to another, there is also a large variation in the characteristics that make up the “perfect COO”. However, there are some key…

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