It Pays to Be an Optimist

"Two men look out through the same bars: One sees the mud, and one sees the stars."- Frederick Langbridge, A Cluster of Quiet Thoughts If you’ve placed second in a writing contest, will you jump for joy and push for better results the next time or will you be discouraged and find an excuse not to join again? In life,…

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Defy the Odds and the Obstacles

My birth name is Ghassan Ali Hamade. I chose the name ‘Mark,’ because when I moved to the United States from Lebanon in 1985, I was teased and bullied for having a middle-eastern name. I wanted to blend in, so I quickly learned English and tempered my accent.…

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6 Ways to Bring Innovation Into Your Life

Yes, you can, and should, bring innovation into your life. It's a talent that everyone has, yet they think they don't. The power of innovation. If you've ever marvelled at somebody's creative prowess, guess what, you can create and innovate too. It just takes time. Everyone is born creative. The box of crayons in kindergarten were not limited to those…

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7 Tips for Living a Happy Life

Living a happy, resilient and optimistic life is wonderful, and is also good for your health. Being happy actually protects you from the stresses of life. Stress is linked to top causes of death such as heart disease, cancer and stroke. One of the better things ever said is - 'The only thing in life that will always remain the…

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The Secret to Overcoming Resistance to Change

Mahatma Gandhi stated that no one can oppress you more than you oppress yourself. I believe this to be true, especially when it comes to change. I have witnessed people, putting up with horrible conditions rather than change. And so, it is no wonder it is considered one of the most difficult things to deal with for a business. For…

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Character Traits of the Perfect Chief Operating Officer

Before you can define the best character traits and skills that make up a good Chief Operating Officer, it's first necessary to define the job description. Because there is so much variation in job duties from one organization to another, there is also a large variation in the characteristics that make up the “perfect COO”. However, there are some key…

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