My Juggling Act – Keeping Employees in Different Companies Happy

My Juggling Act – Keeping Employees in Different Companies Happy

Ken Olsen's primary concern about customers an...
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I manage five companies and every day is a juggling act because I need to keep all those employees happy and content and ready to do their jobs to the best of their ability.  How do I do it?  I love what I do and because I love what I do I’m always ready to work.  I stay focused, I have a plan, and I organize my time.

That doesn’t mean it is easy.  I try to keep everyone happy and be fair to all so that they are all ready to do their best.  It is like having a successful career or a happy life though – it takes work. It means planning ahead and thinking about others all the time.

When it comes right down to it though, the only way to really do this job and handle managing five companies full of employees is to care.  And I do.  I realize that every employee is different and I need to take care of their needs.  Everyone has family and personal needs that need attention.  Employees also have work issues like finding the best way to work with their boss, communicating with subordinates, and, of course, salary.  The thing that I need to remember is that everyone’s issues are different.

Anyone that manages employees needs to remember one critical thing.  Do you know what that is?  They need to remember that employees are the greatest asset in any organization.  They need to feel that they are heard, that their needs and wants are being addressed, and that they will have the tools they need to do their jobs successfully.  The only way to make sure that all this is taken care of successfully is to be there for them.

Sometimes that means working late and sometimes that means going out of my way to make sure that an employee or a supervisor is going to have the tools they need to do their job.  But in the long run, what it really means is that I care about the people that work for the companies I manage.  I couldn’t do it any other way.

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