Good Leaders: Are You One?

Good Leaders: Are You One?

There are many people who are employed by big or small companies, who will complain that good leaders are hard to find. Is this true? Are good leaders born that way, or can they be taught? I believe that some people are born leaders but that most arrive through learning and experiencing what works and what doesn’t. There are many things a leader must do, but let’s focus on three things. In order to do a good job, a leader must be able to guide, motivate, and help his or her people.

A leader guides people by providing an example of how it should be done. The leader should be working alongside his or her employees, in the trenches so to speak. The leader is not necessarily doing the same work but is working alongside them. A leader doesn’t just tell someone to do something; that’s what a boss does. A leader does what he wants his people to do. Do you want your employees to be punctual and work hard? Then don’t come in late, take long lunches, and leave early.

A quality leader motivates others. There are many ways to motivate, but a common thread among great leaders is to listen to what the people have to say and respect them and the job they do. They are important. They have a huge wealth of knowledge about the inter-workings of their job that you don’t have, unless you worked your way up the ranks. Look inside yourself and think about what motivates you – a bonus, extra time off? Those are nice, but actually the biggest motivator is recognition and a big pat on the back for a job well done.

Leaders need to provide help. What do your employees need from you to get their job done quickly and efficiently? What tools can you provide them to help them do their job better? Simply ask them what they need. Could you demand an employee type and email a 97 page report when he doesn’t have a computer? Of course not, he is not equipped. Help also can be in the form of additional training for the employee to do the job correctly.

Most people in leadership positions must learn how to be good leaders. If they focus on guiding, helping, and motivating others, they’re well on their way to becoming a leader anyone would be proud to work alongside of.  

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