Facts on Solar Power

Facts on Solar Power

Researchers and scientists discovered solar power many years ago but because of the lack of technological knowledge, the idea was not widely pursued. Solar power was mainly used for powering small electrical devices. But now, with the great technological advancements, people are hoping that solar power will soon become widely accessible even to ordinary individuals. In the US, solar power is used but it is not that prevalent. Huge solar panels used to be quite expensive and ordinary people could not afford to pay for them. However, more recently that has changed. You can now find solar power kits which are less costly and the price range from $200 to $500.

If you are considering using solar power, here are some interesting solar energy facts:

1. 10,000 US households are now using solar energy to power their homes.

2. If you can use solar power in your home’s heating system, you can slash the electric bill by 50%.

3. Germany is now using solar power despite its undesirable climate. The energy generated during sunny days is stored in batteries.

4. Only 0.0005% of the earth would need to be covered with solar panels to provide enough energy for everyone.

6. Solar-powered outdoor lighting is virtually maintenance-free, since the batteries require no water or other regular service.

7. One year’s worth of solar energy on one acre of land in West Texas equals the energy of 800 barrels of oil.

8. Solar and wind power energy have 100 times more energy yield than nuclear or fossil energy.

9. The earth receives more energy from the sun in an hour than is used in the entire world in a single year.

If you are interested in solar power and you want to try it out, you can start with a solar power kit. It is affordable and easy to assemble. The materials can be purchased from local hardware stores and the guides are easy to understand as well. Make sure that you purchase a kit that is manufactured by a prominent and trusted company to ensure efficiency. Some manufacturers also provide warranty for 10-15 years; take advantage of these great deals. For more information on what is involved, I recommend reading this article, “Setting Up a Simple Solar Panel Kit.”



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