Ceiling Fans Can Save Money and Energy

Ceiling Fans Can Save Money and Energy

ceiling fansYou may know generally that ceiling fans are good to install through your home. But are you aware of the that ceiling fans can save money and energy? And how to use them correctly for maximum benefit?

Most homes have these installed throughout them. If you do not, consider adding them. You can save a great deal of money and energy with ceiling fans if they are used right.

Summer Ceiling Fan Usage

In the summer, use your ceiling fan in a counterclockwise direction. Allowing it to spin this way will keep air moving. Moving air feels cooler and, therefore, you will not need to use your air conditioning as much. In addition, it will help to keep the air moving and keep the thermostat set higher. The air conditioning units in homes will use a great deal more energy then that of a ceiling fan, so maximizing the use of your ceiling fan saves you money and energy.

Winter Ceiling Fan Usage

But, in the winter, you should use them as well. In this case, have them spin at their lowest setting and in reverse (clockwise) so as to push the hot air that rises from the ceiling down onto the working area of your home. At the lowest setting, it will not cause a breeze in your home either but will keep the furnace from having to be set too low during the winter months.

For more tips on using ceiling fans to save money and energy, check out this article by thesimpledollar.com.

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